January 11, 2023

School Safety Concern

Dear Community,

Out of an abundance of caution and transparency I am sending this message to all staff and the community.  First and foremost, all Oakridge students and staff are safe and schools are under standard operation with students learning in their classrooms.  However, today at Oakridge High School, I am proud to say that a student reported to an employee that they saw a picture of a peer student doing something that was not respectful, responsible, or safe.  I am proud because a student took ownership of their learning environment by reporting the issue.  What I am not proud of is that it was reported that a picture was circulating among the student population of an Oakridge High School student holding a gun pointed at the camera.  The picture was taken inside one of our high school bathrooms.  The student in the picture was immediately identified, investigated, a threat assessment conducted, and the student is no longer in school.  Due process proceedings will proceed for appropriate consequences.  The student in the picture and two witnesses, one of which took the picture, admitted the picture was taken on Thursday, January 5 in the high school bathroom.  I am immensely disappointed that it took 5 school days for this to be reported to an employee.  But, we are still investigating the situation because law enforcement has not been able to obtain possession of the gun.  Despite the student claiming it was not a real gun, our School Safety/Security Specialist and law enforcement has identified it to highly likely be a real gun.   

While we are still dealing with the aftermath of rumors and concern for safety, I want staff and the community to know the facts currently available and that we take school safety very seriously.  The Oakridge Board of Education just recently approved the hiring of Curt Theune as our School Safety/Security Specialist.  He is a retired 25+ year law enforcement officer who is in his third week of full-time employment with Oakridge Public Schools.  He was on site when this safety concern was reported and the administrative team responded immediately.  As a district, we have put significant efforts into our Safer Schools Safer Students initiative that are outlined on our website at www.oakridgeschools.org/safe-schools .  

This is a very serious matter.  It would be appropriate for any person reading this message to ask what the school is doing to prevent this from happening.  In short, we are doing a lot.  In addition to the 12 point Safer Schools Safer Students plan mentioned above, we have an entire team of mental health professionals on staff and strong community partners to support our students' mental, behavioral, and physical health (see website).  This issue was alleviated because a student took ownership of ensuring a safe learning environment and immediately reported it.  A student reporting this issue was, perhaps, the key action that prevented a potential tragedy.  The quick action of a teacher reporting this issue to administration was another very important action.  

I am thankful that we are sending each and every student home to their parents tonight.  

We’re in this together,

Tom Livezey


UPDATE 8:30PM, JANUARY 11, 2023

We have continued our cooperation with law enforcement in investigating the alleged gun on school property on Thursday, January 5.  Today, law enforcement visited the homes of students involved in this matter but did not find a gun.  Therefore, we requested that law enforcement bring a contraband canine unit to search our entire campus to confirm whether or not a gun is on the premises.  I just left the high school to confirm law enforcement has arrived.  The canine unit will arrive by 9pm.  The search will take several hours because they are searching the entire Middle/High School campus...every classroom/workspace.  I will be notified after midnight when they conclude so I am sending this information to you now.   

You can rest assured that our campus will be thoroughly searched long before students arrive at school in the morning.  I realize these are very stressful and anxiety filled experiences.  But, I am so glad our staff and students are safe.  I hope our efforts calm any fears about the District's response in this matter.  We will reflect and learn from this experience with the luxury of no physical harm happening to kids or staff.  We are too familiar with the schools that learn from tragic experiences.

Keeping schools safe,

Tom Livezey


UPDATE 1:30PM, JANUARY 12, 2023

Late last night I sent a message updating you on the fact that law enforcement's canine contraband unit was going to search the entire campus of Oakridge Middle/High School to confirm whether or not the alleged gun from a photo was on the premises.   I'm hearing questions are still percolating regarding this.  So, I am confirming that the canine contraband did indeed complete its search.  The campus was cleared for occupancy.  The dogs did not hit on any contraband.

Your questions and concerns are welcome.  Please let me know how I can accommodate your needs.  Easier said than done, but I hope to get back to teaching and learning amidst these recent concerns.   

Tom Livezey