January 16, 2023

Oakridge Celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day


The United States Congress designated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day as the third Monday in January, coinciding with Dr. King's birthday. This year marks the 37th observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   

While we live our daily lives enjoying the privileges and liberties earned through historical accomplishments of citizens coming together in service to one another, we pause to reflect on this great American leader and influencer whose legacy is just that..living a life of service so all people can prosper.

Children at Oakridge Public Schools are enjoying this school day in session, in part, to  learn about the impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  The ideals that Dr. King Jr. promoted and embraced closely resembles our Eagle Pride theme of creating a learning environment that is respectful, responsible, and safe so all kids feel like they belong.     

Go Eagles!  Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!