Enrollment Information
We are proud of the educational opportunities that we offer and we're thrilled to have you enroll at Oakridge. Please follow the directions below to enroll/register your child.
The school district requires proof of residency, your child’s birth certificate, and immunization records upon enrollment.
The following documents are acceptable as proof of residency as long as the document contains the name of at least one parent or guardian and an address located within the school district boundaries:
- Mortgage document including street address of property and purchaser(s) name(s)
- Property deed including street address of property and purchaser(s) name(s)
- Current tax bill
- Current utility bill
- Current rental or lease agreement
- Notarized* residency affidavit
- Notarized* proof of residency from homeowner/renter with whom parent(s) and student resides
- Voter registration card
- Court orders or placement papers
*Notary services are provided at every building office.
Register/Update Enrollment Info
To begin the online registration/enrollment process at Oakridge Public Schools, click on the appropriate section below that applies to your child's circumstances.
Returning Students - Grades 1-12
Contact the school office if you need help updating enrollment information for returning Oakridge students.
New Students - Grades K-12 & ECSE
This section is for New Students to Oakridge Public Schools (students who did not attend Oakridge last year). If you attended Oakridge last year, please go to the "Returning Students" section.
The online registration process can be done using a desktop computer or a mobile device. If you do not have access to a computer or at-home internet, please contact the school which you are enrolling your student.
GSRP - Preschool
GSRP Application Process
Thank you for your interest in Oakridge Great Start Readiness Program, also known as GSRP. GSRP is a state funded preschool program designed for qualifying children who are four years of age.
Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is now open. Paper packets can be picked up in the OECC office or completed electronically HERE.
Please note, in order for an application to be considered complete, the following documents will be needed.
Required documents
- Child's Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Insurance/Medicaid Card
- Verification of last year's TOTAL family income (Income Tax Form 1040, W-2, SNAP, TANF, SSI, Unemployment, Pay Stubs, Foster Care, Child Support, Pensioni, etc.)
- Proof of residency (current utility bill)
Health Appraisal is not due with the application, but is due NO LATER than October 2, 2025. If a Health Appraisal is not submitted by October 2, 2025, your child will not be permitted to attend school.
Children must be four years old by December 1 (priority is given to those with birthdays on or before September 1). There are NO ACCEPTIONS. In addition, priority is given to families who reside in the Oakridge School District.
Return the completed application to
Great Start Readiness Program
Oakridge Early Childhood Center
1050 Carr Rd.
Muskegon, MI 49442
Filling out this application does not ensure placement into the program. You will be notified by letter upon acceptance into the program. If you have further questions, please call our Oakridge GSRP office at 231-788-7304.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I be notified if my child has been accepted into the program?
Below are approximate dates of notification of acceptance:
End of June--First round of acceptance notifications will be going out to those with birthdays who are 4 years of age before September 2 of the current school year.
August 15--After August 15th, GSRP is allowed to start accepting over-income children. Priority is given to those children with additional eligibility factors.
After September 1--Another round of acceptance notifications will be going out to those with birthdays between September 2 and December 1 of the current school year. Priority is given to those with additional eligibility factors.
Please note, if slots become full before September 1st then we will not be doing another round of acceptance notifications. However, all applications remain on file in case of an opening.
What is the cost?
Preschool is FREE to those that qualify.
What days would my child attend school?
- Monday-Thursday
- September-May
Do you provide BEFORE and AFTER Care?
- Unfortunately we do not
What time does school start and end?
- Two classes are in session from 8am-3pm
- Three classes are in session from 8:15am-3:15pm
Do you follow the Oakridge School District Schedule?
- We do have the same break schedule
- NO half days like the rest of the district
- NO late start like the rest of the district
- We start a little later and end a little earlier
Is transportation provided?
- We do NOT offer transportation
What school supplies will my child need?
- No real school supplies will be needed
- We only ask for the following for your child:
- Extra set up clothes to be kept at school
- Backpack (big enough for a folder and paperwork)
All students planning on using an Oakridge Chromebook must have a READ the Parent/Student Chromebook Handbook, SIGNED the Chromebook Agreement Form, and RETURNED it to their child's school prior to being issued a Chromebook device.
School Supplies
Oakridge Public Schools will provide all the essential tools your student needs to be successful at school. If you'd like to supply your child with their own unique items (mechanical pencils, binders, notebooks, folders, backpack, etc.) you are welcome to.
Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Our offices open Tuesday, August 16th. Email the representative from your school building and we’ll be happy to assist you. The HS office is open throughout the summer.
High School/FUSION – Jen Bowen or Brenda Scott
Middle School – Verna Davis
Upper Elementary – Shannon Sliter
Lower Elementary – Amy Latsch
Preschool - Mandi Barber