Title I Program
Overview of Title 1
Title I funding is used to offer support services to students who need extra time and instruction to master grade-level curriculum based on district assessments. Title I services may be short-term or long-term depending on the needs of each individual student. We are pleased to offer these services to help ALL of our students be successful.
Title 1 Annual Parent Meeting
To provide parents an opportunity to learn about and provide input on the Title 1 program at Oakridge, we hold an annual parent meeting. This meeting will be announced broadly to parents.
Below is a recorded webinar of Superintendent Tom Livezey and Assistant Principal Kelly Buzzell providing an overview of the Title 1 Program and key information that parents have a right to know. This webinar will also review the curriculumand assessmentsthat are used in our schools and provide an overview of how to access information on how students are doing on these assessments.
Parent Compacts & Involvement Plans
Every parent of a student who receives title I funded services will be provided a school parent compact that describes what the school, parent, and Students will do to share responsibility for student achievement. Student success depends on this partnership between the home and the school. Below are the complex for each title one for the school.
Lower Elementary
- Parent Involvement Plan - new update coming soon
- Parent Compact - new update coming soon
Upper Elementary
- Parent Involvement Plan - new update coming soon
- Parent Compact - new update coming soon
Board Policy - Title 1 Services
We encourage parents to be actively involved in any curricular decisions for their children. You may review Oakridge Board Policy for Title 1 Services to better understand your rights as a parent of a student receiving Title I support services.
Title 1 Funding
The current Title 1 funding allocation is approximately $425,000. This funding is less than 2% of the District's annual budget. This funding supports students through the following services and personnel:
- Provides 7 interventionists to support students struggling to meet expectations on literacy or math standards.
- Provides literacy materials to engage students with quality resources.
- Provides tutoring services and supplies to students living in a homeless situation.
- Provides technology devices (Chromebooks or iPads), learning applications, and accompanying technology support services to engage students with accessible learning content and experiences.
- Provides supplies to support the annual Title 1 Parent Meeting and other parent engagement activities.
- Provides funding to support Oakridge resident students who attend a school outside Oakridge boundaries. This is a requirement in the law.
Title 1 Parent Survey or Feedback
After reviewing the content of this webpage and the video above, please consider providing feedback on parent involvement activities via this survey.
If parents would like to make suggestions or learn more about our Title 1 Program, Parent Involvement Plan, curriculum resources, or assessments and you can't attend the Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting, you may contact one of the following administrators: