
Superintendent Tom Livezey

Picture of Superintendent, Tom LIvezeyI have been blessed to have lived or worked in close-knit and caring communities like Oakridge all my life. I grew up in Vicksburg, Michigan and attended the public schools there Kindergarten-12th grade. If I wasn’t in school, I was playing sports, involved in extra-curricular activities, doing my homework, or attending church with my family. My parents, teachers, and coaches were significant influences in my life and still are to this day. Although college was not often discussed or pushed as an expectation in my home, I was fortunate enough to have been consistently encouraged by teachers and coaches to continue my athletic and academic successes after high school. After earning a scholarship and years of hard work, I graduated with both academic and athletic All-American honors and, most importantly, a diploma from Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois. On a side note, I even had the opportunity to compete in one post-college National athletic event from which I love to share stories and memories.

photo of Tom LivezeyMy education continues, to this day, beyond my Master’s Degree from Michigan State University in Educational Administration. This may sound like a typical small-town American story but, due to the fact that I am the first college graduate from my extended family, I truly understand how education opens up great opportunities. This personal story is the foundation for my beliefs in providing a well-rounded education balanced with academic and extra-curricular opportunities. For me, a sport was my ticket to an education and career but for others, it may be an interest in a core academic area, drama, music, art, or some other student activity. My personal mission is to provide a globally competitive education that enables every student’s success in their post-secondary education and career. As you see me in the community, please introduce yourself to me and share how Oakridge Public Schools can partner with you in this mission. This partnership is vital to our collaborative success.

Tom Livezey reading to studentsOn a personal note, beyond school, I love to talk about fitness and traveling. In fact, I have competed in several fitness events, been on a mission trip to an Albanian orphanage, trekked the Andes Mountains in Peru with my wife, and consulted schools all over the country on school improvement efforts, including the bush of Alaska. I would love to tell you more about these and other experiences.

Thank you to the Oakridge Board of Education for the opportunity to serve this community.

Go Eagles!