
Several times per year OPS conducts national, state, and district assessments to monitor student growth and achievement.  The purpose of these tools is to report a students understanding of the curriculum and to help teachers inform their instruction to determine if students are reaching their learning targets as set by the district.  The information provided is a snapshot for parents on their child’s current academic level.  With this information, you can help your child select appropriate books, practice basic math facts, and most importantly stay connected to their learning growth as a student.

The perfect formula for your child’s Learning : Student + Teacher + Parent = Success!

District Assessments

Benchmark Assessment Schedule for 2024-25

Star Math/Reading (grades k-8)

  • Screening Period 1:  August 27 - September 13
  • Screening Period 2:  January 6 - January 24
  • Screening Period 3:  May 5 - June 6


  • Screening Period 1:  August 27 - September 13
  • Screening Period 2:  January 6 - January 31
  • Screening Period 3:  May 5 - June 6

State Assessments

Oakridge Public Schools complies with all state and federal requirements for annual testing of students.  

Annual assessments include:

  • M-STEP – grades 3-8, 11
  • MI-Access – grades 3-8, 11 (Alternative assessments for students whose IEP teams have determined that it is not appropriate for them to participate in the state’s general education assessments)
  • PSAT – grades 9 and 10 (spring) grade 11 (fall)
  • SAT – grade 11 (spring)
  • Workkeys – grade 11
  • WIDA – kindergarten through grade 12 (English Learners only)

M-Step Information

MI-Access Information

MI-Access is Michigan's alternate assessment system and is designed for students who have, or function as if they have, significant cognitive impairments, and whose IEP (Individualized Education Program) Team has determined that General Assessments, even with accommodations, are not appropriate. MI-Access satisfies the federal requirement that all students with disabilities be assessed at the state level.

MI-Access is based on Michigan's alternate content expectations for English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

PSAT and SAT (College Board)

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) uses the SAT with Essay as one part of the Michigan Merit Examination. The state offers the PSAT 8/9 to eighth- and ninth-grade students, the PSAT 10 to sophomores, and the SAT to juniors during regular school hours for free.

State Assessment Results

If you are interested in learning more about the historical performance of Oakridge Public School’s  students and graduates on state assessments, please visit the website: