Oakridge Online Learning Academy (OOLA)OOLA is an option for students in grades 7-12! See the FAQ below for more information.  OOLA affords students these benefits:

  • For Oakridge students in grades 7-12 (subject to circumstances and prior approval)

  • Competency-based advancement – Each student’s progress toward clearly defined goals is continually assessed. A student advances and earns credit as soon as he/she demonstrates mastery.

  • Flexible learning environments – Student needs drive the design of the learning environment. All operational elements—staffing plans, space utilization, and time allocation—respond and adapt to support students in achieving their goals.
  • Personal learning paths – All students are held to clear, high expectations, but each student follows a customized path that responds and adapts based on his/her individual learning progress, motivations, and goals.
  • Learner profiles – Each student has an up-to-date record of his/her individual strengths, needs, motivations, and goals.

Furthermore, since students participating in OOLA are still considered full-time Oakridge students, these students also still have access to the same benefits as traditional students, such as:

  • Oakridge extra-curricular programs
  • Full access to the Oakridge Teen Health Center
  • School-issued electronic learning devices (Chromebooks and iPads)
  • Use of school facilities
  • Free use of Oakridge counseling services (career & mental health)
  • Option to participate in the MAISD Career Tech Center
  • Muskegon Promise
  • Participation in Oakridge prom and graduation activities
  • Oakridge teacher-lead curriculum
  • Tutoring hours from Oakridge teachers

Online Learning Request for OOLA

Parents wishing to request OOLA must complete the "Request to Enroll in OOLA" form below.  A staff member will contact those who request online learning to discuss and determine whether the student possesses the characteristics to be successful with online learning.  Enrollment is not guaranteed.

<img alt="Google Forms" class="iconGForms fr-draggable" src="/Areas/Core/Images/icons/logo_gforms.png">Request to enroll in OOLA