Strategic Plan 3.0

Strategic Plan 3.0

The Oakridge Public Schools Board of Education conducted a strategic planning process in early 2022. Acknowledging the changing local, regional, and global realities faced by graduates, the board wanted to review its vision and mission statements, as well as update district goals.  The final version was approved by the Board in July 2022 with the intent of providing focus and priorities for the next 3-5 years.

The board established 5 pillars (see below) with underlying priorities and actions intended to drive the district towards its vision.  These pillars and priorities provide the district a framework for choosing shorter term goals, strategies, objectives, and activities. The board-established Eagle Strategic Plan 3.0 is necessarily lofty and forward thinking and will require significant input from all district stakeholders to shape the day-to-day decisions and actions that will facilitate movement toward the vision. 

It will be the Board and Superintendent’s role to develop scorecards aligned to our 5 key pillars to monitor effectiveness annually and support the superintendent in executing the strategic plan through the lens of the Nine Principles of Organizational Excellence(R).

It will be the administration's responsibility, in partnership with employees and other stakeholders, to develop the aligned annual activities to accomplish the goals and advise on strategies through the District Continuous Improvement Team (DCIT) efforts.


Provide students a diverse, personalized, and innovative education balanced with quality enrichment experiences in a respectful, responsible, safe, and healthy environment in partnership with community. 


All Oakridge students graduate prepared for their future, equipped with the knowledge and life skills to lead healthy and productive lives, achieving personal and career success.

Pillars and Priorities

  • A.  Academic Success - Improve students’ academic proficiency. 
    • 1. Curriculum
      • a) Establish coherent written curriculum maps aligned to state standards for all courses.
      • b) Establish horizontal and vertical alignment of curriculum across and between grade levels.
      • c) Ensure the curriculum is developmentally responsive, rigorous, and relevant to our students.
      • d) Embed literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills across disciplines.
    • 2.  Instruction
      • a) Provide an engaging and rigorous instructional experience aligned to state standards and adapted to students’ unique needs/talents. 
    • 3.  Assessment
      • a) Implement district assessment and progress monitoring protocols with fidelity.
      • b) Improve educators understanding and use of student assessment data to inform instruction and target interventions.  
  • B.  Career Preparation
    • 1.  Inspire students to be active participants in pursuing their pathway to be enlisted in the military, employed in the workforce, or enrolled in post-secondary education.
  • C.  Student Engagement 
    • 1.  Provide quality co-curricular opportunities.
    • 2.  Provide after-school student engagement experiences
  • D.  Respectful, Responsible, Safe, & Healthy
    • 1.  Belongingness
      • a) Nurture a culturally responsive environment where all stakeholders demonstrate respectful, responsible, and safe behavior creating a sense of belongingness.
    • 2.  Mental/Behavioral Health
      • a) Develop comprehensive systems of support and intervention for behavior-related challenges.
      • b) Develop trauma informed and restorative practices to support students’ resilience to overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).
    • 3.  Physical Health
      • a) Provide learning experiences and services to improve student’s physical health.
      • b) Improve awareness and access to school-based and school-linked health resources.
  • A.  Parent/caregiver engagement
    • 1.  Empower families to support their students’ educational journeys through training and hands-on learning opportunities.
    • 2.  Provide consistent, positive, and constructive communication with parents/caregivers about their child(ren).
    • 3.  Cultivate productive two-way communication between district/school/classrooms and families.
  • B.  Community Partnerships and Outreach 
    • 1.  Enhance community partnerships and opportunities for community members to engage in our schools and programs.
    • 2.  Create community partnerships that provide experiential and career-related opportunities for students.
  • A.  Professional Growth & Learning  
    • 1.  Establish essential and universal professional development for all employee groups that improves their knowledge, skills, and fidelity of implementation of their duties and responsibilities.
  • B.  Positive Climate & Relationships
    • 1.  Provide a collegial environment, develop relationships, cultivate collaboration, provide opportunities for open communication, and enhance a sense of community through shared values.
  • C.  Recognition
    • 1.  Celebrate team and individual successes in meaningful ways, both formally and informally, as a district/school, by supervisors, and peer-to-peer.
  • D.  Health and Wellbeing
    • 1.  Provide employee assistance and wellness programs to improve productivity, effectiveness, attendance, and job satisfaction.
  • A.  Communication (Internal & External)
    • 1.  Improve staff and community understanding of the district’s work by developing and implementing a comprehensive, multi-faceted communication plan 
  • B.  Systems for Continuous Improvement
    • 1.  Adopt and embrace the Nine Principles for Organizational Excellence Framework© embedded within the Michigan Continuous Improvement Process (MiCIP) to improve organizational effectiveness and student outcomes.
  • C.  District Department Services 
    • 1.  Promote service excellence in all departments by providing opportunity for productive internal feedback on their customer-focused accessibility, accuracy, attitude, timeliness, and operational effectiveness.
  • A.  Quality Facilities
    • 1.  Provide facilities that are secure with appropriate capacity.
    • 2.  Keep facilities clean and well maintained.
    • 3.  Renew/update Mastery Facility Plan for future needs.
  • B.  Financially Responsible
    • 1.  Invest in district priorities balancing focus on student success with fiscal responsibility.
    • 2.  Communicate budget process, priorities, and timeline to all stakeholders.
    • 3.  Maintain competitive employee compensation commensurate with similar size/demographic school districts for each classification.