Annual Notices

FERPA Notice

Annually, Oakridge Public Schools is required to issue this Notification of Rights under FERPA.  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA) provides that a local educational agency (LEA) that receives US Department of Education (Department) funds may not have a policy or practice of denying parents the right to:

  • Inspect and review education records within 45 days of a request;
  • Seek to amend education records believed to be inaccurate; and
  • Consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) from education records except as specified by law.

These rights transfer to the student when he or she turns 18 years of age or enters a post-secondary educational institution at any age (“eligible student”). The Student Privacy Policy Office (SPPO) in the Department, the office that administers FERPA, has issued guidance documents about FERPA for parentsand for eligible students.  Additionally, Oakridge Board Policy 8330 - Student Records and Oakridge Administrative Guideline 8330 - Student Records includes the following information:

  1. A parent's right to inspect and review students’ education records
  2. A parent's right to seek to amend those records.
  3. A parent's right to consent to the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information from those records (unless an exception applies).
  4. A parent's right to file a complaint with the Department regarding an alleged FERPA violation.
  5. A procedure for exercising the right to inspect and review education records.
  6. A procedure for requesting amendment of those records.
  7. The district’s criteria for determining who constitutes a “school official.”
  8. The district’s criteria for determining what constitutes a “legitimate educational interest” 
  9. Notification that Oakridge Public Schools routinely releases students’ education records to other schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll.

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

Annually, Oakridge Public Schools is required to issue this Notification of Rights Under PPRA.  PPRA affords parents of elementary and secondary students certain rights regarding the conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. 

Board Policy 2416- Student Privacy and Parental Access to Informationprovides guidance specific to Oakridge Public Schools on this topic.  Administrative Guideline 2416 - Procedures for Inspection of Materials Used in Conjunction with Any Survey, Analysis, or Evaluation provides guidance on the procedure parents must complete in order to inspect such materials.  

Non-discrimination/Title IX

Board Policy 2264  - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities

Integrated Pest Management

Annually, Oakridge Public Schools is required to notify parents that pesticides may periodically be applied to school property and that parents (or guardians) have a right to request prior notification of such pesticide applications.  Parents (or guardians) requesting notification of the application of pesticides must do so in writing.  In the case of an emergency, pesticides may be applied without prior notice, but that those parents who request notification will be notified of the emergency application after it occurs.  Administrative Guideline 8431A offers guidance on this topic.


Prior notification shall be provided to those parents who request the notification by one (1) of the following means:

  1. Written notice mailed not less than three (3) days before the application
  2.  Written notice sent home with the child
  3. During months when school is not in regular session, a message notification system such as voice mail may be used that parents can access at least one (1) day before the application. If this method is used, parents must be advised of the phone number where the information may be obtained.