Bloomz Communication

Oakridge Public Schools has adopted a communication platform/app called Bloomz to send email and text messages to parents and the community.  


Download the Bloomz App!

All parents of Oakridge students who provide their contact information during enrollment/registration will receive an email notification to download/register for the Bloomz App.  Such parents gain the following features and ability to customize your school communication experience:

  • See all communication related to all your children/students in one place.   
  • Choose how to receive school notifications (email, text, and/or app)
  • Choose your preferred language; Bloomz supports over 133 languages for automatic, 2-way translation
  • Receive district, school, and classroom communication in the app.
  • Send private messages to teachers via the app (parents only). 
  • Do note that Oakridge no longer sends voice call messages.  

DON'T want to download the Bloomz App?

  • Parents are NOT required do accept the email invitation to download the Bloomz App.  All parents of Oakridge students who provide their contact information during enrollment/registration will receive district and school building email/text communication (including snow day notices).  
  • However, only Bloomz App users are able to customize their experience (as listed above).   The school does not have access to your Bloomz account.
  • Do note that Oakridge no longer sends voice call messages.  

Community Members At-Large

If you are a community member who does not have a student enrolled at Oakridge, you may sign up for important school communication.  Within 2 school days, you will receive an invitation to download the Bloomz App that will allow you to change settings.   Downloading the app is not required to receive email/text messages.   But, if you do, you will gain the following

  • Choose how to receive notifications (email, text, app)
  • Choose your preferred language; Bloomz supports over 133 languages for automatic, 2-way translation via the app.
  • Receive all district important communication.

Email or Phone Call?

Don’t worry, you can still call or email school personnel!  All school contact information is on our website at . Bloomz simply provides Oakridge with a more efficient and modern way to communicate with parents/guardians and the community.