$1.2 Million - Safe Routes to Schools Grant

Phase 1
Phase 1 was completed as of December 13, 2023. Michigan State University conducted a community forum, reached sufficient survey participation from students/families, and completed a walking audit of our community with students, staff, and community members. MSU developed a draft report compiling all the feedback and findings from the audit and feedback.
Phase 2
Phase 2 took place on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at a Virtual Community Forum (via Zoom) with Michigan State University College of Engineering where stakeholders reviewed MSU's draft engineering/planning recommendations informed from Phase 1 efforts. MSU presented this report to accept more feedback and recommendations which will inform further revisions to the report.
- Student/community feedback and initial design of sidewalks was presented for consideration.
- Community feedback was solicited via survey.
Phase 3
The Phase 3 community forum occurred on Friday, May 31, 2024 at 1:00pm. We reviewed MSU's final set of recommendations to submit in the grant application on behalf our Oakridge community partners. Pending any alternate feedback, these design recommendations will be included in the final grant application.
Phase 4
Wait to hear about the outcome of the grant application!
Community Partners
Oakridge Public Schools is so thankful to be partnering with Egelston Township (the fiscal agent for this project), Michigan State University - College of Engineering, Muskegon County Road Commission, Michigan Fitness Foundation, and the Oakridge community to pursue the Safe Routes to School Grant (https://saferoutesmichigan.org/).
Stay tuned!